“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16)
Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate – The Church of Alexandria

St. Mary & St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church
Reaching out to Somerset and Hunterdon Counties in NJ

Resources on Advent Fast

The Incarnation – The Poverty of God is Our Wealth

Perhaps one of the most well-known refrains in our Coptic Psalmody comes from the Friday Theotokia: He took what is ours and gave us what is His; we praise and glorify Him and exalt Him. This verse is often meditated upon in the context of offering, where God takes the little we have and gives…

The Incarnation – The Perfect and Final Sacrifice

As we enter the season of Kiahk, we must prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the Nativity, the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior. This Holy season of reflection is not just about the birth of Jesus but also about the mystery of why He came into the world. What we aim to understand…

The Incarnation Through the Psalms

There are many prophecies in the Book of Psalms that foreshadow what Christ went through. For example, Psalm 22 talks about the sufferings Christ experienced on the Cross. Psalm 24 is a prophecy that points to when Christ opened the gates of Paradise. Psalm 16-10, “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or…

The Incarnation as a Revelation of Divine Love

The Incarnation as a Revelation of Divine LoveA Commentary on the Writings of St. John Chrysostom St. John Chrysostom, one of the most prominent Church Fathers of the early Church, frequently reflected on the mystery of the Incarnation and its beauty as a representation of divine love. Through his homilies on the Gospels, contemplations on…

The Incarnation & The Divine Friendship

The reality of the Incarnation of the Word shows us that God wanted to establish a relationship with humanity. He desired to befriend mankind, so He came down to us, took on our human form, bore our pains and sufferings, and resembled us in everything except sin. The concept of friendship is based on an…

Thursday Theotokia

During this Nativity Fast, we have been delving into the different Theotokias, which are resounding praises that give us theological insights into the nature of God and the characteristics of St. Mary. Today, we will discuss the refrain in Thursday’s Theotokia, which reads, “He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the…

Wednesday Theotokia

For this contemplation, we will be focusing on the refrain of the Wednesday Theotokia: “The Father looked from heaven, and found no one like you, He sent His only begotten, who came and took flesh from you.” In this poetic refrain, we acknowledge that God found no one comparable to St. Mary. This prompts a…

Tuesday Theotokia

During this Nativity Fast, we have been delving into the different Theotokias, which are deep praises that give us theological insights into the nature of God and the characteristics of St. Mary. Previously, we looked at the refrain said during the Monday Theotokia. Today, we will discuss the refrain in Tuesday’s Theotokia, which reads “For…

Monday Theotokia

During the time of Kiahk and the Nativity Fast, the Church focuses on the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ—the promised Messiah. During Tasbeha, praises called “Theotokia” are chanted, in which we praise St. Mary and her role in the incarnation. For this contemplation, we will be focusing on the refrain of the Monday Theotokia:…