“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16)
Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate – The Church of Alexandria

St. Mary & St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church
Reaching out to Somerset and Hunterdon Counties in NJ

Resources on 8. The Holy 50 Days - Pentecost

7th Sunday of Pentecost

The Comforter On this Sunday, the 7th Sunday of Pentecostal 50 days, the Church reads an account from the Gospel of John (John 15:26 – 16:15),  in which Christ tells the disciples “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will…

6th Sunday of Pentecost

“I Have Overcome the World” On the 6th Sunday of the Pentecostal 50 days, the church reads from the Gospel of John 16:22-33. In this passage, Jesus shares two main messages with His disciples. First, He tells His disciples about what is to come: “I came from the Father and have come into the world,…

5th Sunday of Pentecost

The Way, The Truth, and The Life On this Sunday, the Fifth Sunday of Pentecost (Pashons 22), the Church reads an account from the Gospel of John, in which Christ describes Himself as the “the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:1-11). This passage emphasizes the importance of trusting and having steadfast faith…

4th Sunday of Pentecost

The Light of the World On the 4th Sunday of the Holy Fifty Days, the Church reads John 12:35-50. In this passage, Jesus was speaking to a crowd questioning why Jesus had to be raised. Jesus then told them to walk in the light while it was still with them and to believe in it…

3rd Sunday of Pentecost

As it was mentioned last week, in rejoicing in the Resurrection during the Pentecostal 50 Days, the Church arranged to present one of the “I am” statements each Sunday during this period. Refer to last week’s Sunday Contemplation) Today, the 3rd Sunday of the Holy Fifty Days, the Church reads John 4:1-42  to explain the…

2nd Sunday of Pentecost

The Holy Fifty days is a period of rejoicing in the Resurrection of our Lord and our resurrection with Him. We celebrate the beginning of the new heavenly life which our Lord instituted in His Resurrection. As St. Luke explains, during the forty days after the Lord rose from the dead: “appearing to them during…

1st Sunday of Pentecost

On this Sunday, referred to as Thomas Sunday and it is the first Sunday of the Pentecostal 50 days, the Church reads the account of Jesus reappearing to the disciples after the resurrection (John 20:19-31). The first time that Jesus met with the disciples, Thomas was not there. Thus, Thomas declared that he will only…