“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16)
Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate – The Church of Alexandria

St. Mary & St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church
Reaching out to Somerset and Hunterdon Counties in NJ

Resources on Annual Weekly Gospel Contemplations

1st Sunday of Meshir

I Am the Bread of Life On the first Sunday of Meshir, the Church reads from John 6:22-27. Despite its brevity, this Gospel passage reveals many important lessons worthy of contemplation. We will focus on three lessons: genuinely seeking Jesus, uncovering our intentions behind believing in God, and laboring for the food that endures to…

4th Sunday of Tobe

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind On this blessed Fourth Sunday of the month of Tobe, the Church reads John 9:1-38 (These Bible verses are read also at the 6th week during Lent). In these verses, Jesus and His disciples encounter a man who was born blind. The disciples ask whether his blindness is a punishment…

3rd Sunday of Tobe

John the Baptist Exalts ChristThe One from Heaven This Sunday, the Gospel is taken from John 3:22-36. In this passage, there was an argument between the disciples of St. John the Baptist and the Jews regarding purification, and they notified the Baptist that Jesus, the one that he baptized, is baptizing others. St. John responds…

2nd Sunday of Tobe

True Blessedness, The Sign of Jonah, and The Lamp of the Body On this Sunday, the Second Sunday of the blessed month of Tobe, the Church reads Luke 11:27-36. In this passage, Christ describes the true essence of faith and the process of nurturing it through the Word of God. He also hints at the…

1st Sunday of Tobe

The Flight to Egypt and The Massacre of the Enfants On this Sunday, the first Sunday of Tobe, the Church reads from Matthew 2:13-23. This Gospel, alongside all the readings of the day, focuses on how, through the incarnation of Jesus Christ, all Jews, all Gentiles, and all people can attain salvation. For this Gospel…

4th Sunday of Kiahk

The Birth of John the Baptist Today is the Fourth Sunday of the Blessed month of Kiahk and today’s Gospel reading is from Luke 1:57-80. In this passage, St. John the Baptist is born, Zechariah is able to speak, and we read the prophecy of Zechariah. In this prophecy, Zechariah talks about what St. John…

3rd Sunday of Kiahk

Mary Visits Elizabeth On this Sunday, the Third Sunday of the blessed month of Kiahk, the Church reads Luke 1:39-56. In this reading, St. Mary visits St. Elizabeth after receiving the news that they are pregnant with the Son of God and the one who will prepare the way for Him. From this encounter, we…

2nd Sunday of Kiahk

Birth of Jesus Foretold On this Sunday, the second Sunday of Kiahk, the Church reads about the annunciation of the birth of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ to our Mother and Virgin Saint Mary from Luke 1:26-38. In verse 28 the Gospel reveals, “And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored…

1st Sunday of Kiahk

Birth of John the Baptist Foretold On this first Sunday of the blessed month of Kiahk, the church’s Gospel reading is from Luke 1:1-25. While we do in part read about the purpose of writing the Gospel of St. Luke in (vv.4) we also notice the primary focus of the Gospel is the annunciation of…

4th Sunday of Hathor

The Danger of Riches This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Hathor, and the Gospel comes from Mark 10:17-31. In this passage, we read about the man who asked Jesus about what he should do to obtain eternal life (Mark 10:17). In response, Jesus said to follow commandments. However, when this man said he followed…