“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16)
Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate – The Church of Alexandria

St. Mary & St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church
Reaching out to Somerset and Hunterdon Counties in NJ

Resources on Weekly Lent Contemplations

4th Week of Great Fast

At the WellA Call to Submission and Repentance On the fourth Sunday of the Great Fast, the Church reads John 4:1-42. This Gospel recounts Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. What begins as a simple request for water unfolds into a life-changing conversation, as Christ reveals His identity as the Messiah. The…

3rd Week of Great Fast

The Prodigal Son On this Sunday of the third week of the Great Fast, the Church presents to us Luke 15:11-32 about the prodigal son, which is a parable that illustrates to us true repentance, mercy, and reconciliation. However, to fully grasp its depth, let us reflect on this parable through the lens of the…

2nd Sunday of Great Fast

The Temptation of Jesus On this Sunday (03/09/25), the second Sunday of the Great Fast, the Church reads Matthew 4:1-11. In this passage, Satan tempted Jesus with sensual pleasure (“turn this stone into bread”), fame across all kingdoms (“I will give you power and glory”), and power (“throw yourself down”). Jesus rebukes Satan and emerges…

1st Sunday of Great Fast

The 1st Sunday of the Holy LentThe Lent’s Journey & The Importance of Seeking Christ On the first Sunday of the Holy Lent, we read Matthew 6:19-33. In this passage, the Lord emphasizes the importance of seeking what is pertaining to Christ: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these…

6th Week of Great Fast

The 6th Sunday of the Holy LentHealing the Man Born Blind Today we start the sixth week of the Holy fast. Next Sunday, with the Lord entering Jerusalem, we will start the Holy Pascha Week journey. This is the week where we immerse ourselves in the last days of Christ’s public ministry on earth, leading…

5th Week of Great Fast

The 5th Sunday of the Holy LentHealing at the Pool of Bethesda On the fifth Sunday of the Great Fast, the Church reads John 5:1-18, which describes the miracle of healing the paralytic man by the pool of Bethesda. This miracle is unique to the Gospel of John and was not mentioned in the other…